How Arizona’s Teacher and Principal Evaluations Apply to Charter Schools

The Arizona Legislature passed a statewide mandate to develop teacher and principal evaluations in 2010. This year, the legislature passed more specifics about the structure, as well as the implementation timeline and consequences for ineffective teachers. The Arizona Department of Education recently released a document distinguishing the difference in responsibilities for district and charter schools. Find the Department memo here and a chart outlining the difference here.

Below are some of the difference as communicated by the Arizona Department of Education.

  • Teacher Evaluations – In conducting teacher evaluations, the Framework requires charter schools to conduct “at least two” classroom observations. However, charter schools are not mandated to follow the same statutory conditions as school districts for the timing and duration of those classroom observations. See A.R.S. § 15-537(E).
  • Alternative Timeline – Teacher and Principal evaluations must be implemented this year, unless the charter school board adopted an alternative timeline by September 30, 2012.
  • Principal Evaluation Disclosures – Under HB2823, a school district governing board must make available a principal or teacher’s evaluation and performance classification to another school district or charter school that is inquiring for employment purposes (A.R.S. § 15-503(F, I)). The statute is silent on a charter school’s disclosure of a principal or teacher’s evaluation and performance classification.
  • Classroom Site Fund (Prop 301) – HB2823 contains two new provisions with regard to a school district’s allocation of classroom site fund monies which, beginning in school year 2014-2015, tie the monies to a teacher’s performance classification. However, these new provisions apply only to district schools.

Find the State Board of Education framework here and some best practice models here.

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